There hasn't been a ground-breaking Christian dating book I've heard of since "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." We should start the next fad and call it "Jesus Is My Wingman." We could relate what a wingman does in the secular dating world with how Jesus does the same thing spiritually and emotionally.
For example, your wingman supports you in approaching the opposite gender - Jesus fills you with confidence so that you can approach anyone, not just attractive people. Plus, Jesus can help you see the inner beauty of others and more importantly yourself. Your wingman distracts the "friends" so you can keep focused on your "target" - Jesus took your sin and now you're free to seek God. Plus having Jesus as your wingman is evangelism!
However, that won't make a million bucks.
What WILL rake in the cash is the merchandizing. Seminars on DVD, T-Shirts, the novel series (one for young adults and one for grown-ups), and the official "Jesus Is My Wingman" Study Bible. Once that gets underway, we'll squash that "Chicken Soup for the Soul" section with "Jesus Is My Wingman for..." Adolescents...Divorcees...Widow/ers...Single Moms...Over 40...
Call me if you know a publisher. I'll let you in on a portion of the profits.

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