Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Two Videos and a Dream

There are two videos I can't stop watching lately.

Cheryl Cole doesn't want her videos embedded, so you'll have to follow the link to 3 Words, but it's worth a watch in HD.

I'm also watching (though less fervently):

Last night I dreamed I wasn't myself. More precisely, a me that never was. Like a me that had played football, had a few concussions and whose conscience was suppressed by basic training.

I'm on my stomach crawling through a silver air duct. I light my way with an over-sized flashlight. The beam reflects blindingly off the shiny artificial burrow and then creates false shadows. I'm cramping because I can't change my position; my shoulders don't fit. My shoes squeak as I push myself through. I turn a corner and find the body I'm supposed to bring back. It's just shreds of raw meat in clothes to me. I don't even acknowledge it could have been a person once.

I hear it first. I thought it was just the body scraping the metal cocoon, but this is bone and fingernails. I smell it next. Considering I'm toting a cadaver, that's significant. I can't flee, the duct is too tight. I just wait. It's at the bend ahead and I shine my light to where it should appear.

The thing is dark and I can percieve a long nose. I'm certain there's long teeth underneath. It's crouching in a hunt and it's not hampered by the close quarters. It leaps and I shove the flashlight into its muzzle. Glass shatters and everything goes dark.

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