Wednesday, September 15, 2010


VH1 had this show on called "Undatable" that clues guys in to what they do that turns women off. Most of it was no-brainer stuff like "don't pick your nose on a date" and "bathe regularly." But they had other things that took my by surprise. Here are my undatables:

I do "fake swearing" all the friggin' time. I own nunchucks (shut up). I sometimes talk about video games, but usually its in the context of kids or art. However, my worst offence would probably be that in my work clothes, I own twice as many pleated pants as non-pleated. I'm trying to reform, though. This weekend I bought a sweater and some pants - not pleated, tyvm.

I think would have been really funny if they rated the offences on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is "just needs a feminine touch" to 10 "no way. never. game over." Oh fudge. I just talked about video games again...

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