Wednesday, Nov. 25
Still a little sick today. My son was told by his grandparents he could have anything he wanted in the store. I was so proud he didn't take advantage and just chose a Rubick's Cube. He had every opportunity and even permission to go crazy, yet he still was frugal and modest.
We had Dim Sum for lunch and there was a wide screen TV showing a Chinese soap opera. I leaned over to my son and began to "translate" for him. He quickly joined in telling a silly story that went a little something like this:
Scene 1: Granddaughter, Father and Grandmother are in an argument. Grandmother is crying. Father and Granddaughter are trying to teach her how to have a proper, throw yourself on the floor and wail kind of fit. Grandmother isn't a good student.
Scene 2: Two older women walk arm-in-arm with a younger woman between them. Their conversation is very serious. A new Olympic event called the "Four Legged Race" has been invented and each of the middle woman's legs has been tied to one of the other womens' legs. They're practicing for the gold.
Scene 3: Father, Grandmother, and Granddaughter are in a restaurant with Mother and another lady. The family is wondering why this unfamiliar lady has unexpectedly joined them for dinner and is eating their food!
Dinner was with more non-English speaking relatives. My son got sick and threw up in the bathroom. There was discussion that I gave him my illness. Furthermore, we took the train home and had to get off and on at every stop along the way so that my son could hurl.
The picture is of a pass on Song Mountain. You can see the old path below, covered in snow. There's an iron chain against the mountain face to hold on to and keep you from slipping. The new path is above, with the guardrail.
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