Tuesday, Nov. 24
We cruised around Kowloon Bay on a boat that belongs to a family friend. He's a retired police chief of Hong Kong during British leasing of the island. Apparently, there's a good buck in that gig because he owns a single family dwelling with a yard and carport (most people live in high-rises and a parking spot can cost as much as your apartment), a car, two boats and a Philippino maid.
Afterwards, I took my son swimming against my protestations and better judgment. We ate - this group was smaller and it wasn't seafood, so I did better saying "no" and holding what little I did eat.
People speak Cantonese so quickly that I can't keep up. There was plenty of laughter, but I missed the jokes and I'm in a humorless mood. Usually, that's a great time to rely on my son to do or say something funny, but he's been consumed with a Nintendo DS game he hasn't been able to solve.
On returning to the U.S., I discovered that the above song was nominated for a Grammy. That's pretty hilarious considering the whole song is a satire poking fun at a particular genre of rap.
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