Sunday, December 6, 2009

To Hong Kong

Monday, Nov. 23

I'm sick again today and worse than yesterday. I didn't sleep much at all and I'm physically weaker than I've been on the whole trip. Fortunately, no sight seeing today - we're flying to Hong Kong. But that also means I lug our suitcases around here and there. I couldn't take a mountain pass to a temple today.

I saw a Chinese Subaru commercial where the couple is driving through an idyllic countryside. They scatter autumn leaves and demonstrate superior handling while avoiding magpies. Upon arriving at their seaside destination, we discover he's in a tux and she's wearing a wedding dress. He places a ring on her finger and the camera zooms out. The shot reveals it wasn't a ring at all - he wed her with the keychain to the car!

Arrived in Hong Kong to a seafood banquet. I ate enough to be polite and regretted it. The in-laws got wind I was feeling ill and I was given a foul-smelling herbal remedy. The stuff is made from Philodendron bark, citrus peel and licorice root and I couldn't get the smell off my hands even though I only touched it for a second. It's a pill, so it landed in my hand then it was popped in my mouth and washed down. Still, the smell was on my fingers until morning. I suppose it worked because I didn't throw up. However, I was nauseated by burping up the stuff.

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